Your NM Mountain Club Needs You!

The NM Mountain Club needs members to join the 2025 Board who want to ensure the success of our club, keeping our activities fun and available to our members. How can you help? Please volunteer for one of the open positions listed below!

Contact Jo Ann Miller (Current President) to learn more: (415) 596-8204 or

Obligations for NMMC Board positions:

  • One-year term

  • Term starts on the 2nd Wednesday in Nov., 2024, and runs until the 2nd Wednesday in Nov., 2025.

  • Attend five board meetings via Zoom, which run about 90 min. each

  • Attend general membership meetings during your term (dependent on the position)

  • Consider actions and issues that affect the club activities and vote on them (dependent on the position)

These 2025 Board positions need to be filled

A sincere thank you to the members who have already volunteered to fill a 2025 board position! The following positions still need to be filled. If you are willing to GIVE BACK to our club, please consider volunteering.


Creates the agenda and leads the board meetings currently done on Zoom and oversees the general membership meetings. Supports and assists other board members and committee chairs as needed. Approves invoices from members before our treasurer pays them.

Vice President

The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President and shall assume the duties thereof; with the assistance of a committee which he may appoint. The Vice President suggests and arranges for programs for the General Membership Meetings and is in charge of the audiovisual set up.  

Events Chair

Organizes the annual picnic in July, the breakfast meeting in September and the holiday party in December (if one is scheduled). Reaches out to other club members to help organize these events. Secures locations, food and beverages for these events. Attends board meetings to provide updates on activities.

Web/Tech Support

The Web/Tech position supports the NMMC by maintaining a few websites including our main website and membership payment & renewal functionality, groups, Facebook and Instagram. Sends out the Zoom link for the board meetings and works with the Vice President and Events Chair on Meetup announcements for club programs and events. Helps with AV set up when required at General meetings. Attends the board meetings and general meetings.

Co-Climb Chair

Assists the Climb Section Chair in his/her duties. Attends the NMCRAG annual mtg. Assumes role of Chair in the year following the Co-Chair term.

Contact Jo Ann Miller (Current President) to learn more: (415) 596-8204 or